How much this author’s family spent to have a baby

With some creativity, frugality, and generous friends you can keep the cost of having a child low. The key is choosing a low out-of-pocket maximum health insurance plan during open enrollment the year before.

ReceiptsChild Tax Credit 2021$3,600In 2021 this applies even if you do not owe this much in tax. It is a refundable credit.
Hospital Care Coverage or Hospital Indemnity Insurance$1,300You may opt for such supplementary insurance during your open enrollment before your due date and if your employer offers it. This only applies if you deliver in the hospital and are “admitted”.
Friends and family support$100
Expenses2020 deductible -$468Covers first ultrasound to evaluate health of mother and fetus, initial lab tests and initial physician visits
2021 out-of-pocket maximum for the mother-$3,000We met the yearly out-of-pocket max amount of $3,000, which covered the second and third ultrasound, fetal non-stress tests, and part of the delivery. The rest of the delivery was covered at 100%.
No copay or free items$0Breast pump, vaccines
2021 deductible for the child-$345This deductible came from blood tests, inpatient physician consults, and child wellness visits
Tongue tie procedure-$600Was not covered by insurance.
Initial baby supplies-$300Baby monitor, ready to use formula, clothing, swaddles
Large items-$285Stroller, crib
Gifted or freeLarge baby items-$285Mattress, baby carrier, sling
Initial baby supplies that were gifted-$465Clothing, swaddles, odds and ends
Used car seat from friends-$10
Total, including value of gifted items-$758
Excluded is the additional premium for a higher level insurance coverage as compared to the year before. Also excluded is any loss in income due to time away from work.