For which illnesses is it still better to be seen in-person?

With the COVID-19 outbreak, many physician practices have promoted virtual care. Indeed these can be very beneficial to patients and you may not think more of it when you are asked to convert your visit to a virtual one. But the biggest drawback is the lack of a physical examination, which can often be key in diagnosing illnesses.

Virtual care can be more convenient to the patient for:

  • Chronic medical care for stable diseases
  • Colds, cough, allergies, where a physical examination may not yield additional clues
  • Nausea, migraines, where the symptoms can primarily be expressed verbally.

In-person care are still preferred for:

  • Skin rashes that cannot be easily seen over video
  • Muscle and joint sprains that need to be physically moved and examined
  • Annual physicals where a keen eye can help spot unusual issues or changes a patient may not notice him/herself.

Many doctors are not experienced with virtual visits, and we have not found ways to replace the physical exam (listening to your lungs and heart beat, getting a feel for your general well-being, etc.). So understand what you are giving up for the convenience of your home.